..anecdotes about the fickle mindedness of a puzzled woman..

Friday, December 01, 2006

Fashion SENSE

Nowadays, it is very common for students to show off their so-called 'wealth' in the university. They go to school in their best clothes and branded shoes. Hence, the campus has become a place of fashion statement more than anything. Many have forgotten that the university is really a place for us to pursue tertiary education.

Have you ever considered why it is a must for primary and secondary students to wear uniform? I suppose it is because they want to minimize class conflict. By generalizing all the students by making them to wear uniforms it makes the wealthy and the less privileged less distinguishable. They understand that the school is primarily a place to learn.

Now, why is it the university allows their students to wear their day-to-day clothes? It is because university students are regarded as adults and hence they can act responsibly. Does this change the fact that the university is still a place to study? The answer is no. Regardless, many go to campus today with the intention of showing off. They wear their best threads only to look good in front of their friends. However, the university is not the place or time to do that. What it does is only creating different classes, the wealthy and the less privileged. It is no mystery why some students are alienated because they are not considered ‘well-off’.

I personally believe that you have to look presentable and acceptable. Of course different places have different definitions of ‘presentable and acceptable’ attire. For example, many regard students who wear their clubbing-clothes to school are frown upon. As an adult we should have the ability to categorize our clothes so that we do not be ignorant and create unnecessary classes, or worse attract the wrong attention.

I believe it is okay to wear your best clothes to school only and only if you do it in the spirit of looking presentable and not to show off. It’s true we should wear ‘what we want when we feel like it’. It is important to be true to ourselves. However EVERYTHING has the time and place for it. After all, one distinction that differentiates between a child and an adult is their decision making.

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