..anecdotes about the fickle mindedness of a puzzled woman..

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

What is it all about....

After much consideration, I have decided that the theme of my blog will be all the stories or events that puzzles and challange my inquisitive nature. This will be a written work that encompasses a wide range of topic from serious matters of political affairs to stories of little substance and significance, such as, celebrity gossip, fetishes, etc...

I have a different perspective everyday and it usually depends on my mood. Some days I will provide wise, insighful and intelligent opinions & other days it will seem that I am sharing my views straight from my ass (my comments or opinions can be cynical, superficial, bias, sexist, sarcastic or irrelevant). Furthermore, Parental advisory for reader under the age of 18 is necessary.

Please feel free to voice your comments, opinions or suggestions.


Blogger Michael said...

Exactly what comes out of ur ass mizwhatshername?

1:12 PM

Blogger Peter Podcast said...

Can't wait to hear some more.

11:07 PM

Blogger Unknown said...

Very well said. I agree to your point.

11:17 PM


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